How To Submit An Image Into a Competition

You must prepare a digital file (JPG) less than 4MB and conforming to a maximum 1920 X 1200 Pixel size.  Store this file on your computer.  Then:

Log into the VCC website

Go to Competition Entry, then to Submit(Upload) Images to a Competition

  1. Select the competition that you want to enter

  2. On the next screen, click Upload Images into the Competition

  3. On the next screen, click Select then browse to the file on your computer and open it.  Your image title will show on the screen with a green button beside it. Now click on Save Images and proceed to edit page.

  4. On the next screen you can edit the title if necessary.  Then click on Save any changes and return to original page.  Repeat the process for additional submittals in the same or another competition.

  5. After you have loaded the image to the website, you will see a confirmation that it has been received. It will tell you how many images you may enter in that competition.  You will also see the option to:

  • Edit the information entered in #4 above.

  • Remove the image from competition

  • Upload additional images to this competition. 

Finally select Return to Competition List.  AND YOU ARE DONE!  The website will take care of the rest of the work.

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